TOC TOC is made by those who, in some way or other, take care of, or work with children and who are conscious of the world we live in and have the aim of building an even better one for us and for our children, citizens of today and of tomorrow.

TOC TOC proposes to:

Spread information about cultural activities for families. Gather together the proposals in one single place and provide a better and more practical access to this information.

Compile, support and promote activities, products and services related to children and their families which are ethically correct, innovative, creative, original and of high quality; and which are able to adapt themselves to the needs and characteristics of children and which can also enrich their development and growth.

Provide a reference media to inform, assist and accompany mothers and fathers in the growth and development of their sons and daughters; enrichening the bonding between them. As well as for all those professionals who dedicate their work to infants and families.

We invite you to take part in this TOC TOC project. We and our collaborating friends, will all keep on working in order to be able to inform, offer useful support and help you in the growth and development of our children.